Sunday 12 May 2013

Teapot and teacups

                                              I made my teapot into an Ice Cream form. The top of the teapot is a cherry. I used coil construction to make this teapot into this shape. After I coiled it I smooth-en the teapot do that it can show the shape. After I was done making the body I started to make the thing where the water is going to come out. I made it by the use of coil again. Once I was done making it look smooth and clean I decorated my artwork. 

My "Mini Ice Cream Cups" I used slab construction to make this. Once I was done I decorated it making look like a cone.
Now this is my teapot after it was glazed. In this teapot I used the color yellow, pink, and blue & white mixed together to give it a lighter color. My teacups blended with the teapot.

Second Slab Construction

For my second slab construction I went ahead an made Spongebob.

 I made the spongebob by fattening the clay and then drawing Spongebob. The outer part I used slab construction.

Slab Construction

The first Slab was a piggy bank purse.

 In this purse it has a lot of designs attach to it. The symbol of the purse is D & R. It represents the first letters of some very special to me and mine as well. I always wanted a piggy bank so when I had the opportunity to make it, I went ahead and created a purse piggy bank. I made this using slab construction. First I rolled out my clay so that it can have a flat surface. Once I was done doing that I draw how I want the shape to be. After drawing it out I cut them out and attach them together using the slip. Once I was done I waited for my piece to be fired so that I can glaze it.

coil construction

For my coil construction I made a Hello Kitty vase. I made this pot by using coil construction. Before I circled the coil around together I made the base of the pot. I measured my circle with the base. As I was done coiling the pot I gave it a shape. I made the ribbon and ears by flatting the clay and drawing it. I made my design a Hello Kitty because its my favorite cartoon character. Last thing I did was to glaze the pot. It didn't turn out to be what I wanted but I still loved it. Its a sad hello kitty who needs to smile. 

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Double Pinch Pot Construction

I made my double pinch pot by combining two pinch pots together. Once I combine them together I made an opening at the top so that it can be a bowl. My designs are based on what I like. I thought of putting two birds together forming a swirl heart on the top. 

1ST Pinch Construction

My first pinch construction I made a bowl with a panda attach to it. I constructed this piece of art by using my clay. In order for my pinch pot to look like this I had to go through steps.

  • First you wedge the clay 
  • Second you form it into a ball
  • After forming it into a ball you take your thumb and pinch onto the clay. You keep pinching onto the clay until you form a pinch pot the way you want it to be. 
  • Once I done forming in into that shape I started to add designs to it. 
I decided to put a panda because I thought it was really cute. The swirls on the outside of the pinch pot portrays the waves. I wanted the panda to be in the water relaxing. :)